Breaking the Silence: Classified Qatari Report Reveals Political Intrigue and Clears Tayeb Benabderrahmane

 Qatari Report Reveals Political Intrigue

Tayeb Benabderrahmane at the UN Human Rights Council

A recently disclosed “highly confidential” document, provided by a high-level Qatari source, unveils new evidence exonerating Tayeb Benabderrahmane, a French businessman and investor, who was wrongly accused of spying for the United Arab Emirates. These exclusive revelations, drawn from an investigative report issued by Qatari security services, confirm that the espionage accusations against him were not only baseless but also aimed at exploiting his activities in Libya to discredit him due to his links with Libyan Marshal Khalifa Haftar, a sworn enemy of Doha.

A Document that Clears Tayeb Benabderrahmane

The report, dated January 1, 2020, just 13 days before Tayeb Benabderrahmane’s arbitrary arrest, clearly shows that he was targeted because of his activities in Libya and not for any acts of espionage. The document highlights that his real “crime” was his association with Marshal Khalifa Haftar, a key figure in the Libyan conflict, which was enough for Doha to fabricate an espionage case against him.

According to the disclosed details, Tayeb Benabderrahmane had provided “sensitive information to Labor Minister Ali Bin Samikh Al Marri,” at the latter’s request, as part of a campaign against corruption and the misappropriation of Qatar’s wealth. However, this information was later used to entrap him.

The investigative report clearly states that there is no legal basis for the arrest of Tayeb Benabderrahmane. The charges brought against him were entirely fabricated, proving the arbitrary nature of his detention. This maneuver was solely intended to serve Qatar’s political interests, without any valid legal justification, confirming that Tayeb was unjustly targeted.

Tayeb Benabderrahmane with Marshal Haftar during his meeting with the High-Level President on the Libyan crisis of the African Union

Political Manipulation and Injustice

The attached documents also reveal that the Qatari secret services used “covert technical means” to monitor and manipulate Tayeb Benabderrahmane, particularly by gathering information he had obtained in good faith and shared for legitimate purposes with a minister who was serving as the head of Qatar’s National Human Rights Committee. This data, which implicated Nasser Al-Khelaifi and involved corruption suspicions, was later turned against him under allegations of blackmail and espionage.

The report further emphasizes that the real reason for his arrest was to prevent him from providing information to third parties that could have jeopardized Qatar’s hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. This not only confirms that the espionage charges were fabricated but also strengthens suspicions surrounding the irregularity of Qatar’s selection as host for the event.

Arbitrary Detention and Torture

In addition to being arbitrarily detained for 307 days, Tayeb Benabderrahmane was subjected to both psychological and physical torture. The revealed documents show that Qatari authorities used coercive methods to obtain his cooperation, including inflicting inhumane and degrading treatment and threatening his family. These brutal practices, condemned by several human rights organizations, demonstrate the lengths Doha was willing to go to protect its national interests.

A Long-Hidden Truth

These new revelations, supported by irrefutable evidence included in the report and other documents, demonstrate that Tayeb Benabderrahmane was used as a scapegoat in a much larger political affair. While his consistent claims of innocence are now corroborated by internal sources, it becomes clear that Doha manipulated the facts to defend its own interests and protect influential figures like Nasser Al-Khelaifi.

In light of the article previously published on the scandal involving Judge Ali Abdulla Al-Jusaiman during the 112th session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, this new revelation regarding Tayeb Benabderrahmane’s case further highlights accusations of systematic judicial falsification in Qatar. The Al-Jusaiman case had already exposed blatant manipulations in handling Benabderrahmane’s detention, including falsified documents and glaring contradictions in judicial procedures. The confidential report we reveal today not only confirms the fabrication of evidence but also exposes the use of these manipulations for political and geopolitical purposes.

Qatari authorities not only attempted to falsely accuse Tayeb Benabderrahmane of espionage but also used these accusations to protect their own interests, particularly in connection with Nasser Al-Khelaifi. Al-Khelaifi, implicated in corruption cases with Jérôme Valcke, the former Secretary General of FIFA, was suspected of striking secret deals for the broadcasting rights of the 2026 and 2030 World Cups. This document shows how Qatar uses its judicial system to silence dissenting voices and cover up internal dysfunctions. The direct links between the Al-Jusaiman case and the Benabderrahmane affair reveal a recurring pattern of judicial document falsification and fabricated accusations, shedding light on the seriousness of the manipulations orchestrated at the highest levels of the state.

These revelations further weaken Qatar’s credibility on the international stage and call for an urgent review of the country’s judicial practices.


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